Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Circle Time Review!!!

As a Schoolhouse Review Crew member, I had the opportunity to review Circle Time: Plan the Best Part of Your Homeschool Day, from Preschoolers and Peace.

This ebook I received is 33 pages and has so much insight, tips and ideas from other moms that have used it. Kendra, the author, discusses strageties for accomplishing things you want to get done during this time.

Planning a Circle Time That Works for You
How to Get Your Kids on Board
Questions From Moms Like You
Words of Wisdom from other Moms who do Circle Time
Resources, Activities and Ideas
Printable Planner Sheets

This is a great book! Once I finished reading it, I was truly excited. It helped me with more ideas and how I could really improve our upcoming school year in a couple of weeks. We are almost ready to start our new year, so I was happy to have time to try this out. Well, I think it is something we will really enjoy and I am really excited to see how this will work for us. So far so good. I have to say I think since we started with this, it has become everyone's favorite part of the day.

One of the topics was having the older children teach and help out with certain topics. That gave me an idea. Since I will be giving birth to our sixth bug in about four weeks, I thought this would be perfect for the older two bugs. I am still trying to decide what I want them to be in charge of . I am sure with the help of this book, we can come up with something.

I really enjoyed this sweet, short read. This is a great resource for anyone with littles or just needs a little help.

This ebook sells for $4.99.

If you would like to see what other families are saying about Circle Time, head on over to the TOS Crew.

1 comment:

  1. I love it when the older ones can help the younger ones. I remember expecting my son, and my oldest daughter (8 at the time) wanted him in her room so she could take care of him at night and I could sleep. She was and is such a hard sleeper, it became a joke as she wouldn't hear him cry. Now though, she is teaching him piano, and I love hearing them make music together.
